The cost of long-term care insurance can vary significantly depending on various factors. Here are some key factors that can influence the cost of long-term care insurance:


Premiums generally increase with age. The younger you are when you purchase a policy, the lower the premiums are likely to be.


Your health condition at the time of applying for long-term care insurance can impact the cost. Insurers may require medical underwriting, which involves evaluating your health history and may result in higher premiums if you have pre-existing health conditions.

Coverage Amount:

The amount of coverage you choose, such as the daily or monthly benefit amount, will affect the premium. Higher benefit amounts will typically result in higher premiums.

Benefit Period:

The length of time for which the policy will pay benefits, often stated in years, can impact the premium. Longer benefit periods generally lead to higher premiums.

Elimination Period:

The elimination period, also known as the waiting period, is the period during which you must pay for your long-term care expenses out-of-pocket before the policy starts providing benefits. Shorter elimination periods usually result in higher premiums.

Inflation Protection:

Inflation protection is an optional feature that adjusts the benefit amount to account for the increasing costs of care over time. Policies with inflation protection typically have higher premiums.


Historically, women have paid higher premiums for long-term care insurance due to their longer life expectancy and higher likelihood of needing long-term care.

Insurance Company and Policy Features:

Different insurance companies offer varying policy options and features, which can affect the cost. It’s important to compare quotes from different insurers to find the best coverage at a competitive price.

To get an accurate cost estimate for long-term care insurance, it’s advisable to request quotes from insurance providers, taking into account your specific age, health condition, coverage preferences, and other relevant factors. Consulting with a licensed insurance agent or financial advisor who specializes in long-term care insurance can also help you navigate the options and find a policy that fits your needs and budget.

Roy Snarr has built a multi-million dollar business marketing and selling asset protection strategies for “safe” retirement.  CFF®, CLTC®, NSSA ®, LACP